Saturday, April 27, 2013

Lazarus Saturday (April 25)

Lazarus is alive!

What happened today?

Lazarus, brother of Mary and Martha and a dear friend of Jesus, has been dead for four days. The disciples had told Jesus that his good friend, Lazarus, was sick, but did not come to visit him because, as he told His disciples, "His sickness is not for death. It will be for the glory of God." 

When Jesus finally comes to Bethany, Lazarus is already dead. Mary and Martha tell Jesus that if he'd been there, then Lazarus wouldn't have died. Jesus asks to see where his friend had been buried. When he gets to the tomb Jesus cries for his friend. He then asks that they open the doors of the tomb. Mary protests, saying that there would be a smell (he's been dead for four days after all), but Jesus wants it opened anyway. He pauses for a moment to pray and then calls to into the tomb, "Lazarus come out!" Lo and behold, out walks Lazarus, with his grave clothes still wrapped around him. Jesus had raised him from the dead!

Word began to spread like wildfire about what Jesus had done. Jesus and His disciples are planning on going up to the big city, Jerusalem, to celebrate the Passover. Lots of people were coming to the city for the feast, and soon they would all know about Lazarus. But, remember that the Jewish authorities are waiting in Jerusalem and plotting to condemn Jesus to death.

See the icon at the top of this post? Can you identify all the people and tell what they are doing?  (If not, get your parents or siblings to help out!) There sure is a lot going on!

What happening today at the St. George's?

Fr. Philip and Fr. Edward each served Liturgy this morning for the feast.

Notice anything different about the colors in the Church?

Thats right! It's not purple anymore. It's gold and white!
That is because Lazarus Saturday and Palm Sunday are celebrations, so we deck out the Church to match the happy occasion!

Here's Fr. Philip changing the clothes to white. The Church got a good cleaning too!!

Gospel - John 11:1-45

"May He Who by raising Lazarus from the dead confirmed the Universal Resurrection for our salvation. . .have mercy on us and save us, forasmuch as He is good and loveth mankind."


There will be Vespers tonight at 5PM (at both Churches)
More updates after Vespers!

Tomorrow's services:

Palm Sunday
Matins 9AM
Divine Liturgy 10AM

Bridegroom Matins 
(check your local church schedules)

Hope to see you there!!!

For Parents:
Speaking the Truth with Love: Lazarus Saturday Fr. Hopko
Alexander Schmemann Taking it Seriously

And for tomorrow, if you are interested in making Palm Crosses:
Palm Cross Diagram
Palm Cross Video Tutorial (There are many more out there too!)

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