Saturday, April 21, 2012

Christ is Risen!


Unfortunately, some technical difficulties have made us a bit late in posting pictures from the Paschal Service last night and Agape Vespers this afternoon, but we wanted to make sure that we wished everyone a joyous Pascha/Easter!!!!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Holy Saturday!

Holy Saturday Morning
Liturgy of St. Basil

Saturday morning's liturgy is one of the most exciting of Holy Week! Today we saw the church go through many changes, from the darkness and sadness of the past few days to the light of the coming Resurrection! We also see all of salvation history, from creation to Moses, through Jesus, all in one service.

Can you still see the Epitaphios?
One of the most important parts of today's liturgy were the 15 Old Testament readings (well, we only read seven of them.) Traditionally, this liturgy was the service at which new Christians were baptized. They had been spending many weeks learning about the church, and it was at this service that everything was brought together for them. This is was their final "lesson" before their baptism. We'll let Fr. Edward explain:

You probably would have recognized a few of these Old Testament stories. Do you remember when we read about Moses and the Israelites crossing the Red Sea? Well, we read that same story today!

And we even sang the exact same song that those Israelites did once they had finished their crossing. (It is a very old song indeed!)

Finally, in the last reading we hear about the Three Holy Youths in the Fiery Furnace.

[video coming soon]

As they walked around in the furnace, in the middle of all that fire, they sang a hymn praising God and asking the whole world, nature included, to praise him too! We sang their song as well.

[video coming soon]

Right before the reading of the Gospel sometime amazing happened. As you can see from the pictures and videos, the Church is still covered in purple (for Great Lent), but suddenly everything changes to white. The priests vestments, altar boy robes, altar clothes--everything is now white to symbolize the Resurrection!

Everyone helps to get the Church ready!

Fr. Philip read the Gospel, in which we hear about how the myrrh bearing women went to the tomb in order to anoint Jesus' body (because they hadn't been able to have a real funeral for him).

Instead of finding His body, they find an angel who tells them that Jesus has gone; He has Risen! While the women are on their way to tell they disciples they meet Jesus himself, who tells them to let the disciples know that He is alive and that He will come to meet them. This is the first time we get to hear about Jesus' Resurrection!

To celebrate, Fr. Edward sprinkles flowers and laurel leaves all over the whole Church! (They stay there the whole week.)

Now the church has been make ready for Pascha/Easter. The time has nearly come!!!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Good Friday - Lamentations

The Lamentations Service

On the evening of Good Friday (which is actually Holy Saturday), we celebrate the Lamentations Service. At this service, we mourn Christ's death, but at the same time we remember why He died. The songs and hymns may be full of sad lament for all He suffered for us, but they also contain the hope and joy of the coming resurrection. Christ may be in the tomb, but He is certainly not at rest! He is doing the work of salvation, going down to Hades to raise Adam and Eve and all the other men and women who have died and to raise them up to heaven with him. This is why the Church seems to happy, even though we are remembering a sad event.

At the beginning of the service we see that members of the Church have lovingly decorated the tomb of Christ with beautiful flowers!

Can you still see the cloth icon, the Epitaphios?

The choir then sings the Troparia for Holy Saturday (also called "The Noble Joseph").

Soon the whole Church begins to sing the Lamentations, in four different languages! (English, Arabic, Slavonic [Russian] and Greek) These are a special set of hymns, in which about how sad we are that Christ had died. Many of them are written from the point of view of Jesus' mother Mary, the Theotokos. We hear her crying and mourning at the grave of her son, and we too mourn with her.

"In a grave they laid thee, O my Life and my Christ: and the armies of the angels were sore amazed, as they sang the praise of thy submissive love."

During one of the last verses, Fr. Philip went around the entire Church and sprinkled everything with holy water!

Close to the end of the service, the whole congregation made a procession, with candles, outside into the streets. Four men carried the Epitaphios, or the cloth icon of the buried Christ, while the choir slowly chanted, "Holy God."

The procession went across the street.

And over by the park!

Then back into the Church as everyone passed under the Epitaphios.

We then had a special Old Testament Reading from Ezekiel: the story of the raising up of the dry bones. God tells Ezekiel to prophecy to a bunch of bones, and suddenly they rise up and become living people again! ("Dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones, Oh hear the word of the Lord!") This was a foreshadowing of Jesus' resurrection.

At the end of the service, everyone received a flower from the tomb.

Then members of the Teen SOYO (and others) spent the night at the Church. They kept Vigil: reading Psalms continuously throughout the night, right up until Church began the next morning.

The Resurrection is nearly upon us!

Good Friday Vespers - The "Taking Down"

Good Friday Vespers

"The noble Joseph, taking down thy most pure Body from the Tree,
wrapped it in clean linen and sweet spices and laid it in a new tomb.
But on the third day thou didst rise, O Lord, granting the world great mercy."

This afternoon, at Vespers, we remembered when Joseph of Arimathea asked Pilate if he could take Jesus' body down from the cross, so that He could be buried. Pilate agreed, and so Joseph took Jesus and buried him in his own, brand new tomb. (How generous!)

During the Gospel Reading, Fr. Edward Fr. Philip, took down the icon of Christ which had been placed on the cross in the center of the Church the night before.

Towards the end of the service, Fr. Edward takes a special cloth icon, called the Epitaphios, from the altar table. Four women then carry this cloth in a procession before placing it in the tomb in the center of the Church. The Epitaphios depicts Christ being prepared for burial.

The tomb and epitaphios will stay in the center of the Church for the remainder of Good Friday.

Friday, April 13, 2012

12 Passion Gospels

Holy Thursday Evening (Friday Morning)
The Service of the Twelve Passion Gospels

Yesterday evening, we heard the entire story of Jesus betrayal, capture, trial, torture, and crucifixion. These events are usually referred to as the "Passion Narrative." Each of the 12 Gospels which is read by the priests tells a different part of the story, sometimes even overlapping. We get the full account, told from the perspective of each of the four Gospel writers (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John).

Now you might be wondering, why we remember Jesus' Crucifixion on Thursday when He died on Friday? Well, we don't. You might have noticed already that the days of Holy Week have been a little "off-schedule." For instance, Sunday night's service is for Monday, etc. It is the same with this service: the service of Thursday night is actually the Matins (or morning service) of Friday Morning.

The Passion Story

After the the "Last Supper," Jesus gives His disciples one more lesson, in which he tells them about who He is (God's Son), where He is going, (to death, and ultimately to God), and what is going to happen to them once He has die. In fact, Jesus asks God specifically to take care of His disciples--He cared about those with him. After this Jesus and the disciples go to a garden outside of the city and they pray there, but the disciples fall asleep. Suddenly a group of soldiers come to arrest Jesus. He is then taken to see the High Priest and the disciples scatter because they are afraid.

While Jesus is being questioned, Peter, one of the disciples, is asked by a bystander if He knew Jesus and he denies it. Peter does not want to be arrested too! Another person asks Peter the same question and he strongly denies it. Still another person asks Peter if He knew Jesus and then Peter swears and says, "I do not know the man!" Suddenly a rooster crows. Why is this important? Well, Peter has earlier insisted that he would follow Jesus to the end, but Jesus told Peter, "Before the cock crows you will deny me three times." And that's exactly how it happened. Jesus knew that even His closest friends were going to be scared about what was going to happen to them.

After the High Priests have condemned Jesus to death for blasphemy (because He said He was the Son of God!) they give to the Roman authorities, to a man named Pontius Pilate for trial. There Jesus is beaten by soldiers and made to put on a red "royal" robe and a crown of thorns so the soldiers can make fun of Him. Even so, Pilate says that he finds that Jesus is innocent and hasn't done anything wrong! But, the High Priests insist that Jesus has proclaimed Himself King of the Jews, which would mean declaring Himself king instead of the Roman Caesar. Pilate gives into the mob's shouts for crucifixion and hands Jesus over to be put to death.
Jesus is made to carry His cross (with some help from Simon of Cyrene) to a hill outside the city called Golgotha. There is hung on the cross and crucified along with two thieves, who had also been condemned to death. One of the thieves makes fun of Jesus, saying that if he was really the Son of God he should rescue himself from death. The other thief disagrees. He knows that Jesus is innocent, but they are receiving justice for their bad deeds. He asks Jesus if he might be remembered when Jesus goes to His Kingdom. Jesus tells the good thief that "Today, you will be with me in paradise."

After a short while, Jesus looks up to heaven and gives his soul to God. Jesus is dead. A man name Joseph of Arimathea, goes to Pilate and asks for Jesus body in order to bury it and Pilate allows this. Joseph buries Jesus in a new tomb. Then the Jewish leaders ask Pilate to place a guard at the tomb, so the disciples cannot steal away the body, and he does so.

This is where we find Jesus today. In the Church, his icon is still hanging from the cross which has been placed in the middle of the Church. It was carried in a solemn procession by Fr. Philip, along with Fr. Edward. (Sorry, I could not show you this. It was very dark in the church)

Notice the ribbons around the foot of the cross. It is traditional for some people to mark each of the Gospels with a small knot in a piece of ribbon. They then take these ribbons home to place in their icon corners or to use as bookmarks in their bibles. It helps to remember this day all year long.

Tonight we will wait with Jesus as he lies in the tomb. We will be with Him, even in death, as He is always with us. Please be with us to pray.

Today's Services
Vespers ("Taking Down") 3PM
Lamentations 6:30PM

Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Very First Communion

Holy Thursday Morning Liturgy
at which we remember the "Mystical (or Last) Supper"

This morning we celebrated a liturgy at which we remembered the very first time that anyone ever had communion. It is called the Mystical (or Last) Supper.

In the Gospel we read that Jesus celebrated the Passover meal with his diciples, just like Jews do today. Except at this Passover meal, something very special happened. While they were eating, Jesus picked up a piece of bread, broke it into pieces, blessed it and then said, "Take, eat; this is my body." Then He gave it to his twleve disciples. And then He picked up a cup, which was full of wine, gave thanks to God, and then He said, "Drink of it, all of you; for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins." (Matthew 26:26-27)

Do those words sound familiar? That's right, those are the same words which Fr. Edward (or Fr. Philip) says every Sunday morning, when they are consecrated (making holy) the bread and the wine for communion. Every Sunday we celebrate this same meal which Jesus ate with his diciples, but today is the day on which it actually happened!

Now more things happened today too. Today we also heard in the Gospel that Jesus washed the feet of his disciples. Now why would He do that? He was their teacher, and even more than that--He is God! Why he do something like this for them? Well, the disciples has the same question. (They had alot of questions you know.) Jesus said to them that he did this as an example about how they should treat eachother. If Jesus is willing to do something respectful and kind to them, then they ought to do the same to eachother and to everyone else. Jesus is own example too, so shouldn't be so kinds? After all, He may have not have washed our feet, but He did die for us.

Lastly, we heard in the Gospel today that after supper, Jesus and His disciples went up to the Mount of Olives (a nice green garden area outside the city of Jerusalem) and that while there were there, a group of men sent by the cheif priests came to arrest Jesus. Then they took Him to the High Priests in order to condemn Him. We are going to hear lots more about this story tonight, so we will save it for later.

Liturgy with Bishop John!

We had a special visitor today at liturgy! Bishop John came to celebrate this wonderful feast with us.

(Well, there's alot of story to be told)

So many clergy, all celebrating with us!

Today Fr. Edward, or this case Bishop John, consecrated all the extra, or reserve, communion that we use for the whole year. Fr. Edward using this communion to take to people who are sick at home or in the hospital.

Can you see all the bread? It fills the diskos!

Here is Bishop John saying the special prayers over this communion.

Then he said the prayers over the communion for the priests and the people and also took communion himself.

It always nice when Bishop John comes to visit.

Tonight's Service
12 Passion Gospels 6:30PM

Tonight is when we read the whole story of Christ's last teachings, as well as His capture, torture, and crucifixtion.Please come and pray with us.

Holy Oil Service

Holy Wednesday Evening
Holy Unction (Oil) Service

Remember Wendesday morning, when we heard the story of the woman annointing Jesus? Well now it is our turn to be annointed!

Wednesday evening of Holy Week many Orthodox Churches celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Unction (also called Holy Oil). We read seven gospels and seven epistles! All of them tell us about how God gives healing to those in the church through the Holy Spirit and also through holy oil. After each Gospel, a candle is lit.

Traditionally, there are seven priests present at this service! But it's alright if you only have one. =)

Thats alot of priests!

During this service, the Fr. Edward blesses special holy oil which is then used to annoint those present for the healing of body and soul. Notice that that the Gospel book is held over the head of the person who is going to be annointed. This is to show that through the stories and teachings in the Gospel God have given us the strength to overcome any obstacle.

We even get to take some of the oil home with us! You can keep it with you throughout the year and use it if you ever are sick or are not feeling strong.

This service helps to remind us that the Church isn't just a place that we go for Sunday School or  to get communion on Sunday mornings, it is a place that we come to whenever we have trouble in our lives, either sickness or sadness too. The Apostle James tells us, " Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing psalms. Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up." (James 5:13-15)

Now does this mean that we don't go to the doctor when we are sick? No, of course we do! What James is telling is that we also come to God (and the Church) and bring him our sicknesses and our sadness and through the prayers of those in our community we will be made well again.

Lastly, this service of Holy Oil is a way of preparing ourselves for the hard days to come. We are getting towards the end of Holy Week, which means we are getting closer to those dark days when Jesus is going to be beaten and killed. And all for our sakes! It will soon get very dark, but don't forgot, the light of the Resurrection is right around the corner!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Bad Gone Good and the Good Gone Bad

Holy Wednesday

Today the Church remembers two events: The anointing of Jesus by the sinful woman and Judas' Betrayal.


We mentioned both stories last night, during the Bridegroom Service, but this morning we actually heard the Gospel story. Fr. Edward read during Liturgy:

"And when Jesus was in Bethany at the house of Simon the leper, a woman came to Him having an alabaster flask of very costly fragrant oil, and she poured it on His head as He sat at the table. But when His disciples saw it, they were indignant, saying, “Why this waste? For this fragrant oil might have been sold for much and given to the poor. But when Jesus was aware of it, He said to them, “Why do you trouble the woman? For she has done a good work for Me. For you have the poor with you always, but Me you do not have always. For in pouring this fragrant oil on My body, she did it for My burial. Assuredly, I say to you, wherever this gospel is preached in the whole world, what this woman has done will also be told as a memorial to her. Then one of the twelve, called Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests and said, “What are you willing to give me if I deliver Him to you?” And they counted out to him thirty pieces of silver. So from that time he sought opportunity to betray Him." (Matthew 26:6-16)

Today a sinful woman does something wonderful and kind for Jesus while one of his own disciples sells him over to his enemies for money!

Did you ever wonder why the Church fasts (that means abstains from meat and dairy) on Wednesdays throughout the year? Well, it is because of today's events. We fast on Wednesday's in remembrance of Judas' betrayal of Jesus.

What's happening tonight?

Lastly, there is a special service that will be happening this evening. It is called Holy Unction or the Holy Oil Service. This is one of the sacraments of the Church, just like communion or baptism. The priest anoints the people with a special oil, which is meant for the healing of the body (sickness, etc.) and the soul. We'll hear more about this service this evening.

Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Last Bridegroom Service!

Tuesday Night (Wednesday) Bridegroom Matins

Tonight was the last of the Bridegroom services for Holy Week. At tonight's service we heard about two people who treated Jesus very different ways. We didn't hear the whole of the Gospel stories, we'll hear those tomorrow morning, but the hymns that we sang told us something about what it going on.

Tonight was all about comparison! And who were we comparing? The Bad Gone Good and the Good Gone Bad.

Who is the Bad the Gone Good? Well that was a sinful women (adulteress, harlot, there's really no nice way to put it) who took a very expensive oil, put some on Jesus' feet and then wiped it with her own hair. She really wanted to show how much she cared about Jesus. She might have done many terrible things with her life, but she repented of all those sins by showing so much care for her Lord Jesus. There is a special hymn that was sung tonight called the Hymn of Kassiani, in which we hear the woman ask Christ, not to judge her because of her sins, but to accept her repentance. And he does! He even stands up for her when Judas, one of his own disciples, tries to scold her.

Who is the Good Gone Bad? That is Judas. Yesterday we heard murmurings that Judas was thinking of betraying Jesus, but tomorrow is the day when he actually does it. Judas, a disciple who has been with Christ since the beginning, who has heard his teachings and seen all his miracles, is so upset at the kind way Jesus is treated by the sinful women that he immediately goes to the Jewish chief priests and asks for money to betray Jesus to them. Why was he so angry at the women that he would give up his friend to those who want to kill him? Well that is because when he sees the woman using all of that expensive oil on Jesus, he says that the money would better have been spent on the poor. Now, Judas really wasn't all that concerned with the poor, he was more concerned with the money. (He was in charge of the poor box and would often take money out of it for himself.) When Jesus scolds him saying, "Why do you trouble the woman?. . .For you always have the poor with you, but you will not always have me." That's what made Judas upset and that's why he went and sold Jesus to his enemies.

The hymns do a lot to compare these two: A terribly sinful woman who repents and honors Jesus in the best way she knows how and a disciple of Christ who sells out his friend, his Lord, for 30 pieces of silver. 

We will hear more about their stories tomorrow.

Tomorrow's Services
Presanctified Liturgy (last one!) 9AM
Holy Unction (Oil) Service 6:30PM

Hope to see you there!

Who is the Bridegoom? A Q&A with Fr. Philip

Over the past couple of days we've been talking about Bridegroom Matins and you might be wondering to yourself, why we we call it that? Who is the Bridegroom and what does he have to do with Holy Week? 

Well, first of all, a bridegroom is just another name for a groom.

Here's a groom!

This is a groom too!
(This is the icon that in our Church right now.)

To answer this question, we'll ask Fr. Philip.

Q: Why do we call it Bridegroom Matins?

Fr. Philip: 
Picture a wedding. The lady in white is the Bride and the man in the tux is the Groom. We call the Church (that's us!) the bride and Christ is the groom (or bridegroom). Christ gives everything of himself, including his life, to His bride, the Church. Just like the women in the Parable of the Ten Virgins, we have heard that the bridegroom is coming! He has come to Jerusalem! That's what Holy Week is, Christ coming to Jerusalem to give himself, to die, for his bride, the Church. 
That is why we call the service Bridegroom Matins, because during it we sing and ear all about the bridegroom, Christ. We hear that is is coming to Jerusalem and that we must be ready for his coming.

Thanks Father!

Think about what Fr. Philip just said. Did you notice the icon of the Parable of the Ten Virgins that we looked at this morning? Do you recognize the Bridegroom in the picture?

Does He look familiar?

That's right. It's Christ! Just like Fr. Philip said.

And now you know why its called Bridegroom Matins!