Monday, April 9, 2012

Holy Monday!

Holy Monday

This morning we continue with the same themes of last night. 


We also hear the first parts of the stories of some other well known figures from the Old Testament: Moses and Job

Why Moses and Job? Well, Moses is the one who led the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt. He delivered his people, just like Christ delivered us from slavery to sin and death. Job is the ultimate symbol of suffering, as we read that though he was blessed by God with many children, much land, and much wealth, he lost everything and yet never lost his faith in God.

We'll hear more about Moses and Job tomorrow.

Sorry, we have no picture's from today's liturgy. =( 
More pictures from St. George's this evening.

Tonight's service:
Bridegroom Matins 7PM

Hope to see you there!

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