Palm Sunday - Jesus Come to Jerusalem
"Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem:
behold, your King comes unto you: he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon a donkey, and upon a colt the foal of a donkey."
- Zechariah 9:9
Today is the day when the church celebrates Jesus coming into the city of Jerusalem. It is the days before Passover, and the crowds of people who are coming into Jerusalem have just heard about how Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. Jesus, the King, enters into Jerusalem humbly, since is riding on a simple donkey rather than a majestic steed. Never the less, the crowds of people aren't going to let this event happen quietly. They shout "Hossannah!" "Hooray!" and wave branches of palm trees to show their excitement. In fact, they are causing such a commotion that the Pharisees ask Jesus to make them quiet down. Jesus says, "No. Even if all these people were to be silent, the rocks and stones would start to sing and praise God." The whole world celebrates the day when Jesus comes into Jerusalem, to begin his journey to the cross and the tomb--the journey which will save his people from death.
Today's Epistle Reading - Philippians 4:4-9
Today's Gospel Reading - John 12:1-18
We're celebrating too! The priests are decked out in their gold vestments. The choir and people sing loudly as we process around the church carrying candles and palms, just like they did in Jerusalem all those years ago. Young and old, parents and children, we are all here announcing to the world the good news of Christ!!
The choir leads the people as the sing, "Holy God! Holy God! Holy Mighty, have mercy on us!"
Are bad things going to happen to Jesus when he goes into Jerusalem?
Sure, we know what will happen to Jesus this week, but we also know that He is going to rise from the dead and save all of us with him!!
So for now, we celebrate!!
Tonight's Services:
Bridegroom Matins (check your local Church schedule)
Hope to see you there!
For Adults:
Fr. Alexander Schmemann: "Liturgical Explanation for the Days of Holy Week"
St. Theodore Studite on the Week of Palms
Parent Resources:
Some coloring pages can be found as part of the "Journey to Pascha" mini-unit from the Christian Ed. department of the OCA.
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