St. George's Holy Week Service Schedule
Lazarus Saturday - April 7th
Divine Liturgy 9AM
Great Vespers 5PM
Palm Sunday - April 8th
Noctourns 8:30AM
Matins 8:50AM
Divine Liturgy 10AM
Bridegroom Service 7PM
Holy Monday - April 9th
Presanctified Liturgy 9AM
Bridegroom Service 7PM
Holy Tuesday - April 10th
Presanctified Liturgy 9AM
Bridegroom Service 7PM
Holy Wednesday - April 11th
Presanctified Liturgy 9AM
Holy Oil Service 6:30PM
Holy Thursday - April 12th
Vesperal Liturgy 8:30AM
12 Passion Gospel Service 6:30PM
Holy (Good) Friday - April 13th
Royal Hours 9AM
Vespers 3PM
Lamentation Service 6:30PM
---- All Night Vigil ----
Holy Saturday - April 14th
Vesperal Liturgy 9AM
Nocturns 10PM
Rush Service 10:15
Matins 10:45
Divine Liturgy 11:30AM
Pashcal Dinner 1 AM
PASCHA (Easter) - April 15th
Agape Vespers 12PM (Noon)
For Parents:
The following are Kh. Anna and Sarah Marshall's suggestions for the best services for which to bring children because they have a lot to see and do.
Sunday night Bridegroom Service: This service is a wonderful introduction to Holy Week. During it, you see the changes from Lent to Holy Week and begin to understand that something different and special has begun.
Vespers on Good Friday afternoon: On Thursday evening, during the 12 Passion Gospels, a large crucifix is placed in the center of the church, because this is the time at which we remember Christ's crucifixion. On Good Friday, during the afternoon Vespers service, the icon of Christ is taken off the cross by the priest, and is placed in the tomb, just as we read in the Gospels. This icon is then carried around the church by a group of women acting as myrrhbearing women.
Holy Saturday morning: If Saturday night seems too late for some children, coming to liturgy Saturday morning on is a wonderful option. This liturgy is also referred to as the "first resurrection," because it is as this service when we remember the mryhbearing women finding the empty tomb. Christ has risen, but the whole world hasn't yet received the news. The church is filled with light and sprinkled with flowers. The first portion of the service is filled with Old Testament readings which tell the story of salvation history: Joseph and his brothers, the prophets Elijah and Elisha, the Exodus, Job, the three holy youths in the fiery furnace, Jonah and the whale, and others (all the story's we learned in Sunday school!!).
Paschal (Easter) Liturgy: This is the liturgy at which we celebrate Christ's resurrection! The Church is filled with the light of Christ and we take to the streets (quite literally) with candles and songs, proclaiming the glorious event!
Agape Vespers: Again, if you are unable to attend on Easter night, this is another wonderful option. The Church is filled with the same excitement and joy as it was on Pascha! Also, at this Vespers, the Gospel is read in many languages (at least 10) to symbolize the spreading of the good news of Christ resurrection around the world.
Agape Vespers: Again, if you are unable to attend on Easter night, this is another wonderful option. The Church is filled with the same excitement and joy as it was on Pascha! Also, at this Vespers, the Gospel is read in many languages (at least 10) to symbolize the spreading of the good news of Christ resurrection around the world.
Holy Week Guide for Children
The Christian Education department of the OCA (Orthodox Church in America) has put together a wonderful My Guide to Holy Week for children (ages 10-12). If you are wondering how to help your children follow along during the services, this is a wonderful way! Fr. Edward also has a collection of Holy Week Guides for Children at the church. They will be available should you want one.
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